- Rosen Saba, Llp
- 9350 Wilshire Blvd Ste 250
- Beverly Hills, CA 90212
- (310) 773-4344
- (310) 285-1728
- http://www.rosensaba.com
Area Practice
- Civil Litigation
- Trial Practice
- Business Torts
- Personal Injury
- Medical Malpractice
- Professional Malpractice
- Labor and Employment
- Labor And Employment
- Employment Law
- Wrongful Termination
- Sexual Harassment
- Civil Rights
- Products Liability
- Insurance Defense
- Civil Appeals
- Banking Litigation
- Business Fraud
- Business Litigation
- Federal Civil Practice
- Civil Practice
- Civil Rights Section 1983
- Discrimination
- Personal Rights
- Race Discrimination
- Sex Discrimination
- Womens Rights
- Class Actions
- Commercial Law
- Commercial Litigation
- Commercial Fraud
- Commercial Torts
- Complex and Multi-District Litigation
- Constitutional Law
- Consumer Law
- Consumer Litigation
- Consumer Rights
- Consumer Class Actions
- Contract Litigation
- Contract Fraud
- Copyright Litigation
- Corporate Fiduciary Law
- Entertainment Litigation
- Civil Fraud
- Fraud
- Legal Malpractice
- E-Discovery
- Federal Litigation
- Complex Litigation
- Mortgage Law
- Municipal Liability
- Negligence
- Premises Liability
- Inadequate Security
- Probate Litigation
- Professional Liability
- Property Damage
- Religious Institutions Liability
- Intentional Torts
- Tort Liability
- Unfair Competition
Additional Info
Since its inception in 1993, Rosen Saba has continued to emphasize & expand upon its balanced representation of plaintiffs & defendants. In particular, the firm has maintained a sharp focus on personal injury, & business & employment law.
Since its inception in 1993, Rosen Saba has continued to emphasize and expand upon its balanced representation of plaintiffs and defendants. In particular, the firm has maintained a sharp focus on personal injury, business and employment law, through the litigation, mediation and trial of dozens of Title VII, FEHA, commercial and fraud claims on behalf of plaintiffs, defendants, employers and employee claimants, businesspersons and electronic retailers.