- Peter M. Hobaica, Llc
- 2045 Genesee St
- Utica, NY 13501
- (315) 624-7777
- (315) 624-7781
- http://www.hobaicalaw.com
Area Practice
- Personal Injury
- Medical Malpractice
- Real Estate
- Bankruptcy
- Wills
- Probate
- Appellate Practice
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
- Civil Practice
- Contracts
- Birth Trauma
- Chiropractors Malpractice
- Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice
- Dental Malpractice
- Failure To Diagnose
- Gynecology Malpractice
- Medical Liability
- Medical Negligence
- Medication Errors
- Nursing Liability
- Nursing Malpractice
- Nursing Negligence
- Obstetric Malpractice
- Optometric Malpractice
- Orthopedic Malpractice
- Pediatric Malpractice
- Podiatric Malpractice
- Surgeons Liability
- Wrong Site Surgery
- Negligence
- Accidents
- Animal Attacks
- Aquatic Injuries
- Automobile Accidents And Injuries
- Automobile Negligence
- Bicycle Accidents
- Boating Accidents
- Bodily Injury
- Brain Injury
- Catastrophic Injury
- Commercial Vehicle Liability
- Cumulative Trauma
- Dog Bites
- Electrical Injury
- Head Injury
- Motor Vehicle Accidents And Injuries
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Pedestrian Injuries
- Plaintiffs Personal Injury
- Power Line Contact Injury
- Psychological Injury
- School Bus Accidents
- Severe Burns
- Slip And Fall
- Spinal Injury
- Subway Accidents
- Third Party Wrongful Death
- Tourist Injuries
- Unintended Acceleration
- Whiplash
- Wrongful Death
- Premises Liability
- Negligent Security
- Inadequate Security
- Premises Security
- Conveyancing
- Real Estate Contracts
- Real Estate Sales
- Real Property
- Residential Real Estate
- Residential Real Estate Sales
- Trusts And Estates
- Decedents Estates
- Estate Administration
- Powers Of Attorney
Additional Info
Representing People Who Are Seriously Injured
We are the skilled, concerned attorneys of Hobaica Law Office in Utica. When you need a hard-working, results-oriented and capable lawyer, look no further than our firm.
Our professional experience, willingness to listen and desire to succeed are reasons why we have effectively represented personal injury victims in negotiations and at trial during our past 25 years of service. We are well-respected by clients and legal professionals alike.
When you have been injured, you need a lawyer who can handle a variety of injury cases. At Hobaica Law Office, we handle a wide range of personal injury matters, including: Motor Vehicle Accidents, Premises Liability / Slip & Fall / Dog Bites, Construction Accidents, Medical Malpractice Overview, Birth Injuries / Complications, Failure to Diagnose & Misdiagnosis, Medication Errors, Surgical Errors and Wrongful Death.
Our work is not limited to helping victims of accidents, however. If you are a candidate for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, we have the knowledge and information necessary to help you seek a financial fresh start. We can explain your options and provide additional information about bankruptcy to get you on your way to a brighter future.
In addition, we skillfully handle real estate transactions for both buyers and sellers, and our personal injury work encompasses the estate/wills/probate matters for our clients. Regardless of whether you are seeking short-term solutions or you are planning for long-range goals, we can help you recover.