- Padly & Associates P.a.
- 1300 3rd St S Ste 302a
- Naples, FL 34102
- (888) 635-8630
- (800) 794-7713
- http://www.239lawyer.com
Area Practice
- Arbitration
- Mediation
- Commercial Transactions
- Corporate Transactions
- Coordination with International Institutions
- Commercial Real Estate
- Corporate Formation
- Negotiation
- Insurance Claim Mediation
- Negligence Mediation Case
- Eminent Domain Mediation
- Condominium Mediation
- Foreclosure Mediation
- Starting a New Business: C-Corp
- S-Corp
- Partnership
- Business Planning
- Business Restructuring
- Debt Collection
- Contract Negotiation
- Contract Preparation
- Litigation
- Real Estate Transactions
- Investment Law
- Copyright.
- Real Estate
- Property Law
- Mortgage Law
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- International Law
- Corporate Law
- Contracts
- Commercial Law
- Collections
- Business Law
- Estate Planning
- Condominium & Homeowner Association
- Domestic & International Arbitrations
- Merger & Acquisitions
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Trusts & Estates Mediation
Additional Info
Naples Law Firm For Business and Personal Legal Services, Mediations and Arbitrations in Florida, California and Internationally. Services in English, Spanish, French and Italian. Striving for professionalism, efficiency and accuracy.
We are at your service and available to meet in person, over the phone or on skype. The quality of the services you will receive from us will be thorough, efficient and to the point.
Whether you require our services for your business or personal contract, arbitration, litigation, or mediation, we respect your time and energy. We value our relationship with each client and take special care to represent their interests. We know that a generic approach is no approach at all.
We take the time to fully understand all the elements of a case, business or contract to take the most efficient and effective tactic in reaching our client's objectives, whether through mediation, regular litigation, arbitration or alternative contract negotiation and drafting methods.
Padly & Associates P.A. is a law firm primarily located downtown Naples, Florida with attorneys qualified to provide services in Florida, California and in international cases. Our goal is to protect our clients' business and individual interests in all of our diverse areas. Our services include:
-Starting a new business: C-Corp, S-Corp, LLC, P.A., Partnership, etc.
- Business planning
- Business restructuring
- Debt collection
- Contract, preparation negotiation, and drafting
- Corporate law
- Litigation
- Real estate transactions and closings
- HOA and COA, Neighbor Disputes
- Commercial transactions and closings
- Investment law
- Mediation
- Arbitration
- Estate Planning: Wills, Trusts, Healthcare Surrogate, Living Will, Power of Attorney
In order to find the best solution for our clients and to best serve their needs, lawyers at Padly & Associates are also mediators and arbitrators. This allows us to provide a wide variety of options depending on our client's objectives and the matter at hand.
Our experience allows us to understand our clients' objectives, obligations and find the best solution for a contract, business plan or dispute resolution. Our Approach We Make Our Services Fit Your Needs Whether you require our services for a transaction, arbitration, litigation, or mediation, we respect your time and energy. We value our relationship with each client and take special care to represent their interests fully. We know that a generic approach is no approach at all. This is why, once you become our client, we analyze your case and want to discuss your needs, objectives, circumstances and all of its elements. Our goal is to provide you with the highest standard of work in a reasonable timeframe that fits your situation. We understand that in today's economy, every client has different needs and we thrive to provide a personal and professional service. We strive to respond to your requests and needs efficiently.