- O'donnell Law Firm Llc
- 1 Centerpointe Dr Ste 505
- Lake Oswego, OR 97035
- (971) 361-2845
- (503) 306-0257
- http://www.odlf.net
Area Practice
- Business Law
- Taxation
- Debtor and Creditor
- Tax Exempt Entities
- Economic Development
- Estate Planning
- Federal Taxation
- State Taxation
- Tax Planning
- Insolvency
- Asset Protection
- Family Business Successions
- Business Successions
- Business Succession Planning
- Risk Management
- Casualty Insurance
- Tax Exempt Organizations
- Business Formation
- Business Financing
- Capitalization
- Venture Financing
Additional Info
Attorney Mark O'Donnell knows business — and the inner workings of business dealings — inside and out.
With 40 years of multi-faceted legal experience and unparalleled business acumen, Mark provides business owners with a legal context for fulfillment of their business and personal goals.
As a managing partner of two successful law firms, Mark understands the importance of delivering quality legal services in a timely and efficient manner.
Mark also has an extensive background as a trial lawyer, bringing a unique perspective to his clients. And his lobbying experience and astute observation of economic, social and political trends give him a depth and knowledge base unique among lawyers, allowing him to understand the context in which he helps business clientele.
In short, he knows the inside track to help you and your business make the most of your hard-earned money.