- Mulholland & Knapp, Llp
- 110 E 42nd St Rm 1302
- New York, NY 10017
- (212) 702-9027
- (212) 702-9092
- http://www.mklex.com
Area Practice
- Appellate Practice
- Banking Law
- Business Law
- Collections
- Commercial Litigation
- Federal Civil Litigation
- Foreclosures
- General Civil Practice
- International Litigation
- Real Estate
- Title Insurance Litigation
- Trusts and Estates
Additional Info
Founded in 1997, the firm concentrates in commercial litigation.
Mulholland & Knapp, LLP is a full-service law firm with offices in New York City and Nassau County, Long Island. Founded in 1997, the firm concentrates in commercial litigation (with particular emphasis on banking, title insurance, financial services, international and real estate litigation) as well as bank lending, commercial real estate and estates and trusts. The firm practices in all state and federal courts in New York, Connecticut and New Jersey.