- McDaniel And McDaniel, L.l.c.
- 223 Eastside Sq
- Huntsville, AL 35801
- (256) 534-3018
- (256) 534-8117
- http://mcdanielandmcdaniel.net
Area Practice
- Criminal Law
- Appellate Practice
- State Government Law
- Federal Practice
- General Practice
- Domestic Relations
- Real Estate
- Corporate Law
- Business Law
- Probate
- Personal Injury
Additional Info
McDaniel and McDaniel, L.L.C. was founded in 1976 by Mark and Henri McDaniel (husband and wife). The firm has over sixty years of extensive trial experience with the partners having practiced together for approximately twenty-eight years. The firm's practice, consisting primarily of automobile accidents, personal injury, criminal defense and domestic relations litigation, involves the handling of cases across the majority of the counties of North Alabama as well as the Federal Courts. As a result of the years of experience and geographical area involved, the firm continues to handle various litigation on a regular basis.