- Law Offices Of Edward P. Graham, Ltd.
- 1112 S Washington St Ste 212
- Naperville, IL 60540
Area Practice
- Family Law
- Corporate Law
- Juvenile Law
- Real Estate
- Divorce
- Probate
- Estate Planning
- Wills
- Trusts
- Personal Injury
- Criminal Defense
- Traffic Prosecution
- Adoption Law
- We Work With Businesses
- Individuals To Provide Assistance In General Counsel
- Collections
- General Litigation
- Landlord - Tenant Relations
- Zoning Law
- Land Use
- Workers Compensation
- Municipal Law
Additional Info
The experience you need. The excellence you deserve.
Since 1995 the Law Offices of Edward P. Graham, Ltd. have been servicing individuals, businesses and local governmental units with integrity and commitment. Edward P. Graham and his team of professionals are experienced and looking forward to assisting you with your legal needs. With a strong referral network throughout Chicago, our firm is able to provide a breadth and depth of knowledge and services. We give clients the experience they need with the excellence they deserve.
We are interested in sharing our experience and learning about you and your needs. Call us today at 630-357-2333 to learn more about how we have helped other companies and individuals.