- Law Office Of Weiss, Schmidgall And Hires, Pc
- 6 W 73rd Ave
- Gary, IN 46410
- (219) 359-4805
- (219) 769-5297
- http://www.weissschmidgall.com
Area Practice
- Assault
- Automobile Accidents and Injuries
- Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Breach of Contract
- Business Formation
- Business Law
- Business Litigation
- Civil Litigation
- Civil Practice
- Collections
- Commercial Bankruptcy
- Consumer Bankruptcy
- Contracts
- Criminal Law
- Debt Relief
- Debtor and Creditor
- Domestic Violence
- Drivers License Suspension
- Drug Crimes
- Estate Litigation
- Estate Planning
- Expungements
- Felonies
- Foreclosures
- General Practice
- Identity Theft
- Litigation
- Loan Modification
- Misdemeanors
- Parole and Probation
- Personal Injury
- Restraining Orders
- Slip and Fall
- Traffic Violations
- Trusts and Estates
- Visitation Rights
- Wills and Probate
- Judicial Review
- Professional Licensing
- Alcoholic Beverage Control
- Liquor Liability
- Liquor Licensing
- Local Liquor Options
- Civil Appeals
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
- Debtor Bankruptcy
- Personal Bankruptcy
- Bank Collections
- Bank Foreclosures
- Consumer Loans
- Credit Card Law
- Loan Restructuring
- Loan Workouts
- Business Development
- Business Dissolutions
- Business Mediation
- Business Organization
- Business Transactions
- Buy-Sell Agreements
- Buying and Selling of Businesses
- Limited Liability Company Law
- Small Business Law
- Sole Proprietorships
- Strategic Alliances
- Garnishments
- Post Judgment Collections
- Commercial Real Estate Acquisitions
- Commercial Contracts
- Contract Litigation
- Corporate Organization
- S Corporations
- Small Business Corporations
- Assault and Battery
- Burglary
- Civil Forfeiture
- Criminal Defense
- Criminal Investigation
- Criminal Prosecution
- Driving While Intoxicated
- Forgery
- Post-Conviction Remedies
- Search and Seizure
- Shoplifting
- Stalking
- Theft
- Weapons Charges
- Debtor and Creditor Collections
- Debtor and Creditor Workouts
- Debtors Rights
- Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
- Civil Drug Forfeiture
- Controlled Substances Law
- Drug Forfeiture
- Annulment
- Cohabitation Agreements
- Collaborative Family Law
- Domestic Relations
- Equitable Distribution
- Interstate Support
- Name Changes
- Commercial Landlord and Tenant Law
- Commercial Leasing
- Evictions
- Trial Practice
- Mortgage Foreclosure
- Mortgage Lien Foreclosure
- Mortgage Workouts
- Plaintiffs Personal Injury
- Community Association Law
- Homeowners Association Law
- Land Acquisitions
- Land Sales
- Real Estate Acquisitions
- Real Estate Collections
- Real Estate Foreclosure
- Real Estate Tax Foreclosure
- Real Estate Tax Liens
- Real Estate Title
- Real Estate Workouts
- Residential Real Estate
- Residential Real Estate Acquisitions
- Residential Real Estate Foreclosure
- Residential Real Estate Sales
- Truck Overweight Violations
- Decedents Estates
- Estate Administration
- Estate Planning for Parents of Handicapped Children
- Estate Planning for the Elderly
- Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples
- Estate Settlements
- Fiduciary Law
- Fiduciary Liability
- Fiduciary Litigation
- Living Trusts
- Personal Planning
- Pet Trusts
- Powers of Attorney
- Special Needs Trusts
- Trust Administration
- Trust and Estate Collections
- Trust Law
- Trust Litigation
- Trust Planning
- Contested Wills
- Inheritance
- Living Wills
Additional Info
Our firm was founded by the late Garry A. Weiss (1954-2008), who practice law in Indiana for nearly 30 years. Throughout his career, Gary was truly dedicated to helping others in need. We remain personally committed to providing each of our clients with the highest level of legal representation, following in the footsteps of our mentor Garry A. Weiss.
We understand that bad things can happen to good people, however, talking to a lawyer shouldn't have to be another obstacle to overcome. At the Law Office of Weiss & Schmidgall, P.C., in Merrillville, Indiana, we provide a relaxed environment where you can discuss your case with an experienced and compassionate attorney.
Our firm prides itself upon offering its clients the highest possible quality of legal representation while offering flexible payment terms, thus doing our part to insure that justice is truly available to all, not just the wealthy. We offer flexible billing arrangements, using your bond receipt as a retainer, and accept credit card payments for all traffic matter and most criminal matters.
You don't have to live with the stress of dealing with legal problems. Coming to our law office for a free consultation can be the first step in helping you move on with your life. We offer evening and Saturday appointments as needed, so you won't even have to miss work to discuss your case with an attorney.
Our law office is located at the corner of 73rd and Broadway, approximately five blocks from the Merrillville Municipal Complex. Our lawyers serve clients in Lake and Porter counties of Indiana, including those as far away as South Bend and Lafayette. We also work with clients in the Chicagoland area of Illinois.