- Law Office Of Robert A. Graham, Jr.
- 236 N.w. E Street,
- Grants Pass, OR 97526
- (888) 485-6252
- (541) 479-7060
- http://robertgrahamsouthernoregonattorney.com
Area Practice
- Elder Abuse
- Elder Care
- Elder Law
- Elder Rights
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Deceptive Trade Practices
- Artists Rights
- Bank Directors and Officers Liability
- Bank Fraud
- Banking Litigation
- Credit Fraud
- Escrow Agent Liability
- Financial Law
- Lender Law
- Lender Liability
- Savings and Loan Fraud
- Business Law
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Child Advocacy
- Child Dependency
- Child Protection
- Fathers Rights
- Foster Care
- Juvenile Criminal Law
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Juvenile Dependency
- Juvenile Law
- Termination of Parental Rights
- Federal Civil Practice
- Commercial Law
- Commercial Real Estate
- Commodities Arbitration
- Commodities Fraud
- Commodities Futures
- Commodities Regulation
- Fifth Amendment Law
- Fourth Amendment Law
- Media and First Amendment
- Closely Held Corporations
- Corporate Contracts
- Corporate Control Contests
- Corporate Criminal Law
- Corporate Dissolutions
- Corporate Fiduciary Law
- Corporate Formation
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Investigations
- Corporate Litigation
- Corporate Organization
- Corporate Planning
- Family Corporations
- Incorporation
- Nonprofit Corporations
- Professional Corporations
- S Corporations
- Small Business Corporations
- Criminal Law
- Drugs and Narcotics
- Financial Fraud
- Financial Fraud Recovery
- Financial Institution Regulation
- Private Finance
- Franchise Arbitration
- Franchise Law
- Franchise Licensing
- Franchise Litigation
- Franchise Mediation
- Franchise Regulation
- Franchise Termination
- Fraud and Deceit
- Guardianship and Conservatorship
- Investments
- Excessive Use of Force
- False Arrest
- Law Enforcement Liability
- Police Brutality
- Police Liability
- Police Misconduct
- Libel, Slander and Defamation
- Civil Litigation
- Defense Litigation
- Federal Civil Litigation
- Federal Litigation
- Trial Practice
- Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations
- Partnership Law.
- Corporate Law
Additional Info
When Experience Matters; Over 30 Years in Practice in California and Oregon
Law Attorney Effectively Addressing Your Legal Situation Providing compassionate legal advice to clients for more than 35 years
Robert A. Graham, Jr. Attorney at Law represents individuals and businesses in Grants Pass and throughout southern Oregon and northern California in matters of elder law, criminal law and business law & litigation. Robert A. Graham, Jr. Attorney at Law has more than 35 years of experience securing favorable outcomes for his clients. He offers a compassionate approach to the unique legal challenges faced by seniors and their families, those accused of crimes and business clients. He has a proven track record of efficiently and successfully achieving positive results for his clients, and he works diligently to facilitate settlements and verdicts promptly to secure your peace of mind. For a free initial consultation with trusted legal counsel, call Robert A. Graham, Jr. Attorney at Law today.