- Law Office Of Michael D. Ghilardi
- 6009 Stoney Creek Dr
- Fort Wayne, IN 46825
Area Practice
- Adoptions
- Appellate Practice
- Assault
- Automobile Accidents
- Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Breach of Contract
- Business Formation
- Business Law
- Business Litigation
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Child Custody
- Child Support
- Civil Litigation
- Civil Practice
- Collections
- Contracts
- Criminal Law
- Divorce
- Domestic Violence
- Drivers License Suspension
- Drug Crimes
- Estate Litigation
- Estate Planning
- Expungements
- Family Law
- Fathers Rights
- Felonies
- Foreclosures
- General Practice
- Juvenile Law
- Landlord and Tenant Law
- Legal Separation
- Litigation
- Misdemeanors
- Parole and Probation
- Personal Injury
- Real Estate
- Small Business Law
- Traffic Violations
- Trusts and Estates
- Wills and Probate
- Visitation Rights
- Workers Compensation
Additional Info
At the Law office of Michael D. Ghilardi, I provide representation that is fair, affordable, and of high caliber. I approach every client with respect and compassion. Your case is important to me and I want to make sure that we succeed in obtaining and outcome that is not simply acceptable to you but one that completely satisfies you.
I represent clients with a wide variety of legal issues including: bankruptcies, family law, criminal law, estate planning, and much more.
Criminal Law
Whether it's a C Misdemeanor or an A Felony I will your case my utmost attention and energy. I routinely handle Drug Crimes, Operating While Intoxicated Cases, Driving While Suspended to name only a few. The criminal court system can be confusing and scary if you try to navigate your way though it on your own so give me a call and I can help guide you though the process.
Every Bankruptcy is a little different but there are certain things to watch out for. While you may be entitled to a Bankruptcy under Federal Law, there are complex rules that need to be followed. Together we can help you get a fresh start. If you are finding yourself underwater with debt such as overwhelming medical or credit card debt.
Family Law
We all know that families are unique and are therefore faced with unique situations. I will take the necessary time to get acquainted with your family's situation so that we can get a resolution that benefits all of the parties. Whether it is a divorce, support, or custody matter we will work hard to resolve it in a way that is fair and satisfying to both parents and the children involved. I recognize the importance of the family unit and will make sure that the children are not only adequately provided for but that they also get to spend adequate time with both parents. Or if you are trying to adopt I can help with that as well. I am also certified to represent client in CHINS cases and will help to ensure that your parental rights are protected.
Estate Planning
If you have any property or children I believe you should have some sort of estate plan. A Will is important because it determines what happens to your property when you die and also who would be responsible to care for your children. If you don't have a Will the State will determine the answers to those questions. Having a Will also saves time and money for your heirs because probate can be delayed and costly if you don't have a Will. You might also want to have a Power of Attorney or Health Care Power of Attorney if you should ever become incapacitated. These documents would ensure that someone could handle your affairs such as finances and property as well as handle your health care issues such as end of life decisions.
Traffic and License Suspension Cases:
Maybe you just want to get rid of a speeding ticket or maybe you are looking at a Habitual Traffic Offender license suspension. If you are convicted of three serious driving Misdemeanors such as OWI's or Driving while suspended within a certain period of time you might be looking at an automatic ten year license suspension. However, if this happens don't wait and give me a call. You might be eligible for a probationary, conditional, or hardship license depending on the severity of the crimes involved.