- Law Office Of Mark P. Kestner
- 6184 Sawyer Rd
- New Market, MD 21774
- (240) 314-7044
- (240) 842-9545
- http://www.kestnerlaw.com
Area Practice
- Real Estate Law
- Residential and Commercial Settlements
- Residential and Commercial Leases
- Contract Preparation and Review
- Boundary Disputes
- Quiet Title Actions
- Easements
- Lending and Secured Transactions
- Property Tax Assessment Appeals
- Title Examinations and Resolution of Title Issues of All Kinds
- Mortgage Counseling and Short Sales
- Co-ownership Agreements
- Ground Rent Redemptions
- Consumer Protection in Real Estate Transactions
- Title Insurance Issues and Claims
- Business Law
- Formation and Organization of Businesses such as Corporations
- Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships and General Partnerships
- Dissolution of Businesses and Buy-Out Arrangements
- Bulk Sales
- Employment Contracts
- Purchase and Sale of Businesses
- Estate Planning and Administration
- Estate Planning and Advice
- Preparation of Wills, Trusts
- Durable Powers of Attorney, Limited and Specific Powers of Attorney, Health Care Powers of Attorney
- Living Wills and Funeral Directives
- Estate Administration and Probate