- Jill Rose Quinn Attorney And Counselor At Law
- 4825 N Mason Ave Ste 105
- Chicago, IL 60630
- (773) 777-9277
- (773) 777-9275
- http://jillrosequinn.com
Area Practice
- Bankruptcy
- Family Law
- Criminal Law
- Trusts And Estates
- Real Estate
- Debtor And Creditor
- Domestic Partnerships
- Business Law
- Traffic Violations
- Guardianship
- Dui/Dwi
- Probate
- Wills
- Divorce
- Criminal Representation
Additional Info
The Right Lawyer Right in Your Neighborhood. Straight-forward, compassionate, caring--you'll always speak with an attorney--Free Parking Available.
Since 1997, Jill Rose Quinn, Attorney at Law, Counselor at Law has been serving the Chicago community and helping clients with their legal matters regarding bankruptcy, family law, criminal law, real estate and estate planning. Whether you are deciding whether to file for bankruptcy or need an attorney to assist you through the probate process, you can rely on the more than 29 years of legal experience I bring to every case I handle. Because I work in areas of the law that are especially emotionally charged, I understand the sensitive nature of your case and will show you genuine compassion as I diligently work to resolve your issues and concerns.
I work with Illinois individuals and businesses with residential and commercial property closings and mortgage closings, and also represent clients in litigation and administrative proceedings arising out of real estate-related transactions. I counsel my clients faced with financial issues on the true and total impact bankruptcy can have on their family businesses and homes, and can often convince creditors to lower debts if bankruptcy is not the best option. I have also worked with many Illinois families to devise comprehensive and tailored estate plans.
Jill Rose Quinn, Attorney at Law, Counselor at Law can provide you with dependable legal services in:
-Family law
-Criminal law
-Trusts and estates
-Real estate
-Debtor and creditor
-Domestic partnerships
-Criminal representation
-Business law