- Jacksonwhite P.c.
- 40 N Center St Ste 200
- Mesa, AZ 85201
- (888) 365-1621
- (480) 464-5692
- http://www.jacksonwhitelaw.com
Area Practice
- Appellate Practice
- Bankruptcy
- Business
- Corporate Law
- Commercial Litigation
- Dispute Resolution
- Construction Law
- Criminal Law
- Elder Law
- Employee Benefits
- Estate Planning
- Fair Debt Collection
- Financial Institutions Law
- Health Care Law
- Homeowners Association Law
- Immigration Law
- Injury Law
- Insurance Related Disputes
- Labor and Employment Law
- Probate Law
- Real Estate Law
- Small Business Representation
- Tax Law
- Family Law.
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Banking Law
- Business Law
- Commercial Law
- Commercial Real Estate
- Copyrights
- Drugs and Narcotics
- Eminent Domain
- Family Law
- Guardianship and Conservatorship
- Insurance Defense
- Intellectual Property
- Labor and Employment
- Litigation
- Medical Malpractice
- Medicare and Medicaid
- Personal Injury
- Social Security
- Trademarks
- Trade Secrets
- Trusts and Estates
- White Collar Crime
- Workers Compensation
- Zoning, Planning and Land Use
- United States
- Administrative Law
- Administrative Adjudications
- Administrative Agency Practice
- Administrative Hearings and Appeals
- Administrative Litigation
- Federal Administrative Law
- Judicial Review
- Professional Licensing
- Professional Licensing Regulation
- Public Law
- Agency and Distributorships
- Dealer and Distributor Termination
- Distribution
- Distribution Agreements
- International Distribution
- Agricultural Law
- Aerial Chemical Application
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural Bankruptcy
- Agricultural Cooperatives
- Agricultural Credit
- Agricultural Creditors Rights
- Agricultural Employment
- Agricultural Finance
- Agricultural Litigation
- Agricultural Tort Claims
- Alcoholic Beverage Law
- Alcoholic Beverage Control
- Dram Shop Liability
- Liquor Liability
- Liquor Licensing
- Local Liquor Options
- Arbitration
- Collaborative Law
- International Arbitration
- International Dispute Resolution
- International Mediation
- Mediation
- Civil Appeals
- Asset Protection
- International Asset Protection
- Aviation and Aerospace
- Aeronautical Regulation
- Aerospace Contract Fraud
- Aerospace Contracts
- Aerospace Law
- Aircraft Acquisitions
- Aircraft Finance and Leasing
- Aircraft Sales
- Aircraft Tax Free Exchanges
- Aircraft Title
- Airline Labor Law
- Airline Regulation
- Airplane Crash Litigation
- Airport Finance and Development
- Airport Law
- Airport Privatization
- Airport Regulation
- Aviation Accidents
- Aviation Defense
- Aviation Insurance
- Aviation Law
- Aviation Liability
- Aviation Litigation
- Aviation Products Liability
- Aviation Regulation
- Aviation Tax
- Federal Aviation Licenses
- Helicopter Crash Litigation
- International Aviation Law
- Space Law
- ATM Networks
- Bank Collections
- Bank Directors and Officers Liability
- Bank Failures
- Bank Foreclosures
- Bank Fraud
- Bank Holding Company Law
- Bank Holding Company Regulation
- Bank Insolvency
- Bank Mergers and Acquisitions
- Banking Antitrust
- Banking Litigation
- Banking Regulation
- Check Fraud
- Commercial Banking
- Commercial Credit
- Commercial Loans
- Consumer Banking
- Consumer Loans
- Credit Card Law
- Credit Finance
- Credit Fraud
- Credit Insurance
- Credit Law
- Credit Union Law
- Currency Law
- Electronic Banking
- Escrow Agent Liability
- Escrow Law
- Exchange Control
- Fair Lending
- Financial Law
- Foreign Exchange
- Interest and Usury
- International Banking Law
- International Loans
- Lender Law
- Lender Liability
- Lender Regulation
- Lenders Rights
- Letters of Credit
- Loan Restructuring
- Loan Syndication
- Loan Workouts
- Loans
- Merchant Banking
- Offshore Banking
- Savings and Loan Failures
- Savings and Loan Fraud
- Savings and Loan Law
- Savings and Loan Liquidation
- Savings and Loan Regulation
- Secured Lending
- Thrift Institution Failures
- Thrift Institution Regulation
- Thrift Institutions Law
- Trade and Professional Associations
- Trade Association Law
- Truth in Lending
- Bankruptcy Arbitration
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Bankruptcy Chapter 11
- Bankruptcy Chapter 12
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
- Bankruptcy Collections
- Bankruptcy Fraud
- Bankruptcy Litigation
- Bankruptcy Mediation
- Bankruptcy Reorganization
- Bankruptcy Taxation
- Bankruptcy Trustees Rights
- Commercial Bankruptcy
- Commercial Foreclosure
- Commercial Insolvency
- Commercial Recovery
- Commercial Workouts
- Consumer Bankruptcy
- Creditor Bankruptcy
- Debt Relief
- Debtor Bankruptcy
- Foreclosures
- Fraudulent Conveyance
- Insolvency
- International Bankruptcy
- International Insolvency
- Liquidations
- Out of Court Debt Restructuring
- Personal Bankruptcy
- Pre-Bankruptcy Workouts
- Receiverships
- Repossessions
- Workouts
- Workouts Taxation
- Biotechnology
- Biochemical Technology
- Biomedical Technology
- Biotechnology Licensing
- Enzymology
- Genetics
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Business Arbitration
- Business Associations Law
- Business Cooperatives
- Business Crimes
- Business Development
- Business Dissolutions
- Business Enterprises
- Business Estate Planning
- Business Formation
- Business Fraud
- Business Litigation
- Business Mediation
- Business Organization
- Business Planning
- Business Regulation
- Business Reorganization
- Business Start-Ups
- Business Succession Planning
- Business Successions
- Business Syndication
- Business Taxation
- Business Torts
- Business Transactions
- Business Transfers
- Business Trusts
- Business Valuation
- Buy-Sell Agreements
- Buying and Selling of Businesses
- Closely Held Business Estate Planning
- Closely Held Business Law
- Closely Held Business Taxation
- Complex Business Litigation
- Cooperative Taxation
- Emerging Business Law
- Emerging Growth Companies
- Entrepreneurial Business Law
- Family Business Law
- Family Business Mediation
- Family Business Successions
- International Business Law
- International Joint Ventures
- Joint Ventures
- Limited Liability Company Law
- Minority Business Law
- Pass-Through Entities
- Private Business Law
- Privatization
- Professional Practices
- Small Business Law
- Sole Proprietorships
- Strategic Alliances
- Civil Practice
- Federal Civil Practice
- Civil Rights
- Civil Liberties
- Civil Rights Defense
- Civil Rights Section 1983
- Disability Discrimination
- Disabled Access
- Disabled Rights
- Discrimination
- Gay and Lesbian Rights
- Handicapped Rights
- Human Rights
- International Human Rights
- Personal Rights
- Prisoners Rights
- Prisoners Rights Class Actions
- Public Interest Law
- Race Discrimination
- Reproductive Rights
- Sex Discrimination
- Womens Rights
- Class Actions
- Class Action Defense
- Collections
- Commercial Collections
- Garnishments
- International Collections
- Post Judgment Collections
- Professional Collections
- Retail Collections
- Secured Collections
- Unsecured Collections
- Commercial Arbitration
- Commercial Bad Faith
- Commercial Constitutional Law
- Commercial Crimes
- Commercial Fraud
- Commercial Liability
- Commercial Mediation
- Commercial Torts
- Commercial Transactions
- Commercial Transfers
- Commercial Trusts
- Complex Commercial Litigation
- International Commercial Arbitration
- International Commercial Law
- International Sale of Goods
- Negotiable Instruments
- Retail Liability
- Sale of Goods
- Secured Transactions
- Uniform Commercial Code
- Warehousing
- Commercial Conveyancing
- Commercial Real Estate Acquisitions
- Commercial Real Estate Bankruptcy
- Commercial Real Estate Contracts
- Commercial Real Estate Development
- Commercial Real Estate Finance
- Commercial Real Estate Foreclosure
- Commercial Real Estate Litigation
- Commercial Real Estate Sales
- Commercial Real Estate Syndication
- Commercial Real Estate Workouts
- Industrial Real Estate Law
- Retail Development
- Shopping Center Acquisitions
- Shopping Center Development
- Shopping Center Law
- Commodities
- Commodities Arbitration
- Commodities Finance
- Commodities Fraud
- Commodities Futures
- Commodities Regulation
- Computers and Software
- Computer Crime
- Computer Fraud
- Information Technology Licensing
- Software Copyright
- Software Licensing
- Software Protection
- Software Publishing Technology
- Constitutional Law
- Fifth Amendment Law
- First Amendment Law
- Fourth Amendment Law
- Freedom of Information
- Freedom of Religion
- Media and First Amendment
- Architectural Law
- Construction Accidents
- Construction and Design Law
- Construction and Surety Law
- Construction Arbitration
- Construction Claims
- Construction Contracts
- Construction Defects
- Construction Equipment Liability
- Construction Finance
- Construction Insurance
- Construction Insurance Defense
- Construction Labor Law
- Construction Liability
- Construction Liens
- Construction Litigation
- Construction Mediation
- Construction Products Liability
- Construction Safety
- Construction Workouts
- Contractor Performance Bonds
- Contractors Liability
- Environmental Construction Law
- International Construction Contracts
- International Construction Law
- Materialmens Liens
- Mechanics Liens
- Public Construction Law
- Public Works
- Roof Industry Liability
- Scaffolding Liability
- Structural Work Act
- Stucco Litigation
- Consumer Law
- Consumer Arbitration
- Consumer Class Actions
- Consumer Collections
- Consumer Credit
- Consumer Credit Compliance
- Consumer Finance
- Consumer Fraud
- Consumer Litigation
- Consumer Protection
- Consumer Rights
- Fair Credit Reporting Act
- Contracts
- Breach of Contract
- Commercial Contracts
- Contract Fraud
- Contract Litigation
- International Commercial Contracts
- International Contracts
- Copyright Infringement
- Copyright Licensing
- Copyright Litigation
- Copyright Prosecution
- Copyright Protection
- Copyright Registration
- International Copyright Law
- Internet Copyright Law
- Closely Held Corporations
- Corporate Banking Law
- Corporate Commercial Law
- Corporate Contracts
- Corporate Control Contests
- Corporate Criminal Law
- Corporate Dissolutions
- Corporate Ethics
- Corporate Fiduciary Law
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Formation
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Income Tax
- Corporate Insurance
- Corporate Insurance Defense
- Corporate Investigations
- Corporate Litigation
- Corporate Organization
- Corporate Partnerships
- Corporate Planning
- Corporate Real Estate
- Corporate Reorganization
- Corporate Successions
- Corporate Tax Controversies
- Corporate Tax Planning
- Corporate Taxation
- Corporate Trusts
- Corporate Workouts
- Family Corporations
- Foreign Sales Corporations
- Hostile Takeovers
- Incorporation
- International Corporate Finance
- International Corporate Law
- International Corporate Taxation
- Nonprofit Corporations
- Offshore Corporations
- Professional Corporations
- Proxy Contests
- Public Corporations
- S Corporations
- Small Business Corporations
- Takeovers
- Tender Offers
- Transfer Pricing
- Assault and Battery
- Bribery
- Burglary
- Capital Offenses
- Civil Forfeiture
- Crime Victims Compensation
- Criminal Antitrust
- Criminal Appeals
- Criminal Conspiracy
- Criminal Defense
- Criminal Forfeiture
- Criminal Fraud
- Criminal Investigation
- Criminal Prosecution
- Death Penalty
- Drivers License Suspension
- Driving While Intoxicated
- Electronic Surveillance
- Expungements
- Extortion
- Extradition
- Federal Criminal Law
- Felonies
- Forensic Accounting
- Forensic DNA
- Forensic Medicine
- Forensic Science
- Forgery
- Grand Jury Practice
- Habeas Corpus
- Hit and Run
- Homicide
- International Criminal Law
- International Extradition
- Mail Fraud
- Malicious Prosecution
- Manslaughter
- Misdemeanors
- Money Laundering
- Murder
- Parole and Probation
- Post-Conviction Remedies
- Search and Seizure
- Sex Crimes
- Sexual Assault
- Shoplifting
- Stalking
- Theft
- Traffic Violations
- Vehicular Homicide
- Victims Rights
- Weapons Charges
- Wire Fraud
- Wiretapping
- Debtor and Creditor
- Creditors Rights
- Creditors Rights in Bankruptcy
- Debtor and Creditor Collections
- Debtor and Creditor Remedies
- Debtor and Creditor Reorganization
- Debtor and Creditor Rights
- Debtor and Creditor Workouts
- Debtors Rights
- Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
- International Creditors Rights
- Secured Creditors Rights
- Unsecured Creditors Rights
- Civil Drug Forfeiture
- Controlled Substances Law
- Drug Crimes
- Drug Forfeiture
- Drug Trafficking
- Education Law
- Academic Employment
- Charter School Law
- College and University Law
- Educational Testing
- Federal Education Grants
- Fraternity Liability
- Independent School Law
- Private Education Law
- Public School Law
- School Board Defense
- School Board Liability
- School Desegregation
- School District Liability
- School Equal Protection
- School Law
- School Tenure
- Special Education
- Student Discipline
- Student Loans
- Teachers Credentials
- Title IX Discrimination
- University Finance
- Age Discrimination
- Elder Abuse
- Elder Care
- Elder Rights
- Condemnation
- Inverse Condemnation
- Land Annexation
- Property Rights
- Cash Balance Plans
- Deferred Compensation
- Disability Benefits
- Employee Benefit Taxation
- Employee Benefit Trusts
- Employee Benefits Litigation
- Employee Compensation
- Employee Stock Ownership Plans
- Employee Stock Ownership Trusts
- Equity Compensation
- ERISA Class Actions
- ERISA Collections
- ERISA Compliance
- ERISA Litigation
- Executive Compensation
- Executive Compensation Taxation
- Flexible Benefit Plans
- Fringe Benefits
- Health Benefits
- Multi-Employer Benefits
- Multi-Employer Pensions
- Non-Qualified Benefits
- Pension and Profit Sharing Plans
- Pension Fund Investments
- Pension Plans
- Pension Taxation
- Profit Sharing
- Public Employee Retirement
- Public Pension Plans
- Qualified Retirement Plans
- Retirement Benefit Plans
- Taft-Hartley Plans
- Unemployment Compensation
- Unemployment Compensation Taxation
- 401-k Plans
- Entertainment Law
- Art Law
- Artists Rights
- Cultural Property
- Entertainment Contracts
- Entertainment Finance
- Entertainment Liability
- Entertainment Litigation
- Entertainment Syndication
- Fine Arts
- Interactive Multimedia Law
- Motion Picture Finance
- Motion Picture Production
- Motion Pictures and Television
- Multimedia Law
- Museum Law
- Music Copyright
- Music Law
- Music Licensing
- Music Publishing
- Theater Law
- Video Law
- Equipment Finance
- Equipment Leasing
- Vehicle Leasing
- Adoptions
- Agency Adoptions
- Alimony
- Annulment
- Assisted Reproductive Technology
- Child Abduction
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Child Advocacy
- Child Care
- Child Custody
- Child Custody Mediation
- Child Dependency
- Child Protection
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Child Support
- Child Welfare
- Childrens Rights
- Civil Unions
- Cohabitation Agreements
- Collaborative Family Law
- Community Property Law
- Day Care
- Divorce
- Divorce Arbitration
- Divorce Mediation
- Divorce Taxation
- Domestic Partnerships
- Domestic Relations
- Domestic Torts
- Domestic Violence
- Equitable Distribution
- Family Arbitration
- Family Mediation
- Fathers Rights
- Foster Care
- Gay and Lesbian Family Law
- Grandparents Custody
- Grandparents Visitation Rights
- Independent Adoptions
- International Adoptions
- International Child Abduction
- International Child Custody
- International Family Law
- Interstate Adoptions
- Interstate Child Custody
- Interstate Support
- Juvenile Criminal Law
- Juvenile Dependency
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Juvenile Law
- Legal Separation
- Marital Agreements
- Marital Property Distribution
- Marital Property Law
- Marital Property Settlements
- Matrimonial Bankruptcy Law
- Matrimonial Law
- Military Divorce
- Name Changes
- No Fault Divorce
- Non-Traditional Family Law
- Orphans Court Practice
- Palimony
- Parental Kidnapping
- Parental Rights
- Parenting Time
- Paternity
- Post Divorce Modification
- Postnuptial Agreements
- Premarital Agreements
- Private Adoptions
- Qualified Domestic Relations Orders - QDROs
- Restraining Orders
- Same Sex Marriage
- Spousal Support
- Step Parent Adoptions
- Surrogacy Law
- Termination of Parental Rights
- Third Party Custody
- Uncontested Divorce
- Visitation Rights
- Finance
- Asset Based Finance
- Asset Sales
- Commercial Finance
- Credit Enhancement
- Cross Border Finance
- Debt and Equity Finance
- Debt Finance
- Equity Finance
- Eurobonds
- Factoring Law
- Finance Taxation
- Financial Fraud
- Financial Fraud Recovery
- Financial Institution Bonds
- Financial Institution Failures
- Financial Institution Insolvency
- Financial Institution Regulation
- Financial Institution Reorganization
- Financial Institutions Litigation
- Financial Institutions Taxation
- Financial Restructuring
- International Commercial Finance
- International Finance
- Precious Metals Finance
- Private Finance
- Secured Finance
- Securitization
- Structured Finance
- Unsecured Finance
- Franchises and Franchising
- Automotive Franchises and Dealerships
- Dealership Law
- Franchise Arbitration
- Franchise Distribution
- Franchise Law
- Franchise Licensing
- Franchise Litigation
- Franchise Mediation
- Franchise Regulation
- Franchise Taxation
- Franchise Termination
- International Franchising
- Fraud and Deceit
- Art Fraud
- Automobile Fraud
- Civil Fraud
- Fraud
- Identity Theft
- Odometer Tampering
- General Practice
- Federal Practice
- Government
- Congressional Investigations
- County Government Law
- County Liability
- False Claims Act
- Federal Government Law
- Federal Grants
- Federal Legislative Practice
- Federal Tort Claims
- Government Affairs
- Government Agency Practice
- Government Ethics
- Government Immunity
- Government Investigations
- Government Relations
- Government Risk Management
- Government Tort Liability
- Governmental Defense
- Governmental Law
- Governmental Liability
- Initiative and Referendum
- International Government Relations
- Legislative Practice
- Local Government Civil Rights
- Local Government Defense
- Local Government Law
- Local Government Liability
- Local Government Relations
- Political Subdivision Liability
- Public Officials Liability
- Public Policy
- Qui Tam Litigation
- State Government Law
- State Legislative Practice
- Township Law
- Government Contracts
Additional Info
Responsive. Dedicated. Effective.
Jackson White, P.C. offers a full range of legal services to assist individuals, families and businesses in achieving success in a wide range of legal matters. Founded in 1983, the firm has grown steadily to include a full complement of highly experienced attorneys and staff who are proud of what is now one of the largest law firms in Phoenix's East Valley.
In addition to serving our clients, the firm supports the activities of a number of area non-profit organizations including the Mesa United Way, statewide Chambers of Commerce, East Valley Senior Services, and the Alzheimer's Association Desert Southwest Chapter, among many others. Our attorneys give their time serving on boards and committees throughout the state.
We are proud to make a difference for our clients and honored to be a contributor to our community's continued growth. As you seek solutions to problems or strive for success in an expanding business environment, we will stand by you and welcome the opportunity to serve you.
Our Promise
It is the mission of JacksonWhite to be responsive and dedicated to our clients, providing professional, high quality, cost-effective legal services. Every client is vitally important to us and we strive for excellence in the level of customer service we provide.
Our clients are as diverse as the legal services we provide to them. Whether you are seeking legal counsel for your business, or looking for solutions to personal legal issues, the experienced attorneys at JacksonWhite will provide you with the individualized, effective counsel you need and the customer service you desire.
We encourage you to help us further our commitment to client service by completing the feedback survey on our website.