- Houtchens, Greenfield & Sedlak, Llc
- Chase Tower, 822 Seventh Street, Suite 270,
- Greeley, CO 80631
Area Practice
- Civil Litigation
- Criminal Law
- Probate
- Real Estate
- Landlord and Tenant Law
- Estate Planning
- Insurance Defense
- Personal Injury
- Banking Law
- Corporate Law
- Homeowners Association Law
- Adoptions
- Family Law
Additional Info
Northern Colorado's oldest and most respected law firm. Established 1911.
The firm was started in 1911 by E. H. Houtchens who was later followed in the practice of law by his sons Barnard, Robert and Rodger. Jerry C. Daniel became a partner in the firm in 1974. Dallas D. Greenfield became a partner in the firm in 1992. The three senior partners of the firm were awarded the Colorado Bar Association Award of Merit in 1983. The firm received the Weld County Bar Association Pro Bono Publico Award in 1994 for the firm's commitment to and participation providing legal services to the indigent. In 2004, John's son Brandon became a partner of the firm representing the fourth generation of Houtchens attorneys. Melanie Sedlak joined the firm as member is 2010.