- Hemmer Defrank Wessels Pllc
- 250 Grandview Dr Ste 500
- Ft Mitchell, KY 41017
- (859) 578-3869
- http://hemmerlaw.com
Area Practice
- Administrative Law
- Business Law
- Banks And Banking
- Construction Law
- Contracts
- Family Law
- Litigation
- Appellate Practice
- Asset Protection
- Civil Practice
- Commercial Law
- Commercial Real Estate
- Computers And Software
- Copyrights
- Corporate Law
- Debtor And Creditor
- Eminent Domain
- Environmental Law
- Finance
- Franchises And Franchising
- Health Care
- Intellectual Property
- Labor And Employment
- Leases And Leasing
- Medicare And Medicaid
- Mergers And Acquisitions
- Divestitures
- Mortgages
- Municipal Law
- Partnership Law
- Personal Injury
- Privacy Law
- Probate
- Property Law
- Bond Finance
- Public Finance
- Real Estate
- Regulatory Law
- Securities
- Taxation
- Torts
- Trade Secrets
- Trademarks
- Trusts And Estates
- Utility Law
- Wills
- Zoning Law
- Planning Law
- Land Use
Additional Info
Serving entrepreneur's & professionals (859) 344-1188
The attorneys of Hemmer DeFrank Wessels, PLLC have been serving their clients for more than 30 years. The firm draws strength from the diverse background of its attorneys and the breadth of their common experience serving Fortune 500 companies, healthcare providers, growing businesses, local municipalities, dedicated professionals, and sophisticated entrepreneurs and individuals. Hemmer DeFrank Wessels, PLLC is large enough to provide the full gamut of services its clients need, yet lean enough to provide the responsiveness they need in the modern workplace. The firm's attorneys are determined to achieve excellence and to meet the client's goals, all in a down-to-earth atmosphere.