- Feldman & Associates, P.c.
- Exchange Place, 451 Hungerford Drive, Suite 210,
- Potomac, MD 20850
- (301) 469-3610
- (301) 469-3611
- http://wrfeldmanlaw.com
Area Practice
- Creditors' Rights
- Creditors' Rights In Bankruptcy
- Commercial Collections
- Retail Collections
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Bankruptcy Chapter 11
- Chapter 13
- Repossessions
- Foreclosures
- Short Sales
- Replevins
- Detinues
- Complex Commercial Litigation
- Business Law
- Consumer Law
- Banking Law
- Credit Union Law
- Out Of Court Debt Restructuring
- Asset Protection
Additional Info
Tenacity & perserverance in uncovering/recovering assets for creditors. Assisting individuals & businesses.
Mr. Feldman has been practicing creditors rights, collections and bankruptcy law for over 27 years. He regularly appears in Bankruptcy Court, State and Federal Courts in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C. Mr. Feldman is best known for his representation of Federal Credit Unions, banks, lenders, lessors and other creditors in the Washington, D.C. metro region, including Suburban Maryland & Northern Virginia.