- Eugene Legal, Llc
- 245 E 4th Ave
- Eugene, OR 97401
- (541) 579-8127
- (541) 683-3149
- http://www.eugene-legal.com
Area Practice
- Family Law
- Landlord and Tenant Law
- Debtor and Creditor
- Labor and Employment
- Wills
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Child Care
- Child Custody
- Child Custody Mediation
- Child Support
- Fathers Rights
- Grandparents Custody
- Grandparents Visitation Rights
- Parental Rights
- Parenting Time
- Third Party Custody
- Visitation Rights
- Consumer Credit
- Consumer Credit Compliance
- Consumer Finance
- Consumer Fraud
- Consumer Litigation
- Consumer Protection
- Consumer Rights
- Fair Credit Reporting Act
- Garnishments
- Post Judgment Collections
- Unsecured Collections
- Breach of Contract
- Contract Fraud
- Contract Litigation
- Commercial Contracts
- Creditors Rights
- Debtor and Creditor Collections
- Debtor and Creditor Remedies
- Debtor and Creditor Reorganization
- Debtor and Creditor Rights
- Debtors Rights
- Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
- Unsecured Creditors Rights
- Secured Creditors Rights
- Alimony
- Annulment
- Divorce
- Divorce Mediation
- Divorce Taxation
- Domestic Partnerships
- Domestic Relations
- Domestic Violence
- Equitable Distribution
- Family Mediation
- Family Arbitration
- Divorce Arbitration
- Gay and Lesbian Family Law
- Legal Separation Agreements
- Marital Agreements
- Marital Property Distribution
- Marital Property Law
- Marital Property Settlements
- Name Changes
- No Fault Divorce
- Paternity
- Post Divorce Modification
- Premarital Agreements
- Postnuptial Agreements
- Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs)
- Restraining Orders
- Spousal Support
- Uncontested Divorce
- Criminal Law
- Assault and Battery
- Bribery
- Burglary
- Civil Forfeiture
- Crime Victims Compensation
- Criminal Antitrust
- Criminal Conspiracy
- Criminal Defense
- Criminal Forfeiture
- Criminal Fraud
- Criminal Investigation
- Drivers License Suspension
- Driving While Intoxicated
- Electronic Surveillance
- Expungements
- Extortion
- Felonies
- Forgery
- Grand Jury Practice
- Habeas Corpus
- Hit and Run
- Juvenile Criminal Law
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Mail Fraud
- Malicious Prosecution
- Manslaughter
- Misdemeanors
- Money Laundering
- Parole and Probation
- Post-Conviction Remedies
- Search and Seizure
- Sex Crimes
- Sexual Assault
- Shoplifting
- Stalking
- Traffic Violations
- Theft
- Victims Rights
- Weapons Charges
- Wire Fraud
- Wiretapping
- Business Arbitration
- Business Cooperatives
- Business Associations Law
- Business Crimes
- Business Development
- Business Dissolutions
- Business Enterprises
- Business Estate Planning
- Business Formation
- Business Fraud
- Business Litigation
- Business Mediation
- Business Organization
- Business Planning
- Business Regulation
- Business Reorganization
- Business Start-Ups
- Business Succession Planning
- Business Successions
- Business Syndication
- Business Taxation
- Business Torts
- Business Transactions
- Business Transfers
- Business Trusts
- Buy-Sell Agreements
- Buying and Selling of Businesses
- Closely Held Business Estate Planning
- Closely Held Business Law
- Closely Held Business Taxation
- Emerging Business Law
- Emerging Growth Companies
- Entrepreneurial Business Law
- Family Business Law
- Family Business Mediation
- Family Business Successions
- Limited Liability Company Law
- Private Business Law
- Professional Practices
- Small Business Law
- Sole Proprietorships
- Bankruptcy
Additional Info
Eugene's Source for Convenient, Affordable Legal Services.
Eugene Legal provides convenient, affordable legal services to people in the Eugene/Springfield area. We are committed to the highest levels of integrity and excellence. We aggressively pursue our clients' claims, which results in a better outcome in settlement or trial. Our founder, James Baldock, holds the highest ranking in Lane County for Landlord-Tenant, Child Support and Debt Collection Law according to the lawyer-ranking website Avvo. We believe in affordable access to legal services for all. We therefore offer flexible payment options and appointment times for our valued clients.
We are open 9am-5pm Mon.-Fri. and evenings/weekends by appointment.
Contact Eugene Legal for more information
Phone: (541) 345-8542
Email: [email protected]
Eugene Legal provides legal assistance in the following areas:
Family Law - Pre-nuptial Agreements, Dissolution, Divorce, Custody, Child Support and Restraining Orders
Housing Law - Evictions, Security Deposits, Repairs, Foreclosures, Discrimination and Service Animals
Debtor/creditor law - Garnishments, Judgment Proofing, and other services
Employment Law - Wrongful Terminations, Discrimination, and Sexual Harassment
Elder Law - Wills, Estate Planning, Medicaid, Social Security, Advance Directives.