- Dement Askew Llp
- 333 Fayetteville St Ste 1513
- Raleigh, NC 27601
- (919) 670-2335
- (919) 832-8287
- http://www.dementaskew.com
Area Practice
- Criminal Law
- Armed Robbery
- Assault and Battery
- Arson and Insurance Fraud
- Burglary
- Capital Offenses
- Child Pornography
- Computer Crimes
- Criminal Conspiracy
- Criminal Defense
- Criminal Fraud
- Criminal Investigation
- Drivers License Suspension
- Driving While Intoxicated
- Drugs and Narcotics
- Drug Crimes
- Drug Trafficking
- Embezzlement
- Expungements
- Extortion
- Extradition
- Felonies
- Federal Criminal Law
- Forgery
- Hate Crimes
- Health Care Fraud
- Hit and Run
- Homicide
- Home Invasion
- Identity Theft
- Internet Fraud
- Mail Fraud
- Manslaughter
- Misdemeanors
- Murder
- Obscenity
- Parole and Probation
- Post-Conviction Remedies
- Probation Violation
- Protective Orders
- Prescription Fraud
- Reckless Driving
- Restraining Orders
- Search and Seizure
- Sex Crimes
- Sexual Assault
- Shoplifting
- Speeding Ticket
- Stalking
- Tax Fraud
- Theft
- Traffic Violations
- Vehicular Homicide
- Weapons Charges
- White Collar Crime
- Personal Injury
- Accidents
- Airplane Crash Litigation
- Automobile Accidents and Injuries
- Automobile Negligence
- Aviation Accidents
- Bicycle Accidents
- Boating Accidents
- Bodily Injury
- Brain Injury
- Bus Accidents
- Catastrophic Injury
- Construction Accidents
- Dog Bites
- Electrical Injury
- Electromagnetic Field Litigation
- Head Injury
- Motor Vehicle Accidents and Injuries
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Pedestrian Injuries
- Personal Injury Protection Claims (PIP)
- Power Line Contact Injury
- Psychological Injury
- Premises Liability
- Repetitive Stress Injury
- School Bus Accidents
- Severe Burns
- Sexual Abuse
- Railroad Accidents and Injuries
- Rental Vehicle Litigation
- Spinal Injury
- Slip and Fall
- Subway Accidents
- Tourist Injuries
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Transfusion Associated AIDS
- Truck Accidents
- Toxic Torts
- Unintended Acceleration
- Whiplash
- Wrongful Death
- Medical Malpractice
- Birth Trauma
- Birth Injury
- Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice
- Cerebral Palsy
- Dental Malpractice Defense
- Erbs Palsy
- Failure to Diagnose
- Failure to Diagnose Cancer
- Gastric Bypass Surgery Malpractice
- Gallbladder Removal Malpractice
- Heart Attack
- Laparoscopic Surgery Malpractice
- Medical Negligence
- Medication Errors
- Nursing Malpractice
- Nursing Negligence
- Oncology Law
- Paraplegia
- Pharmacists Liability
- Quadriplegia
- Surgeons Liability
- Surgical Injuries
- Wrong Site Surgery
- Products Liability
- Actos
- Accutane Litigation
- Automotive Products Liability
- Automotive Design Liability
- Biomedical Products Liability
- Blood Bank Liability
- Breast Implant Litigation
- Chemical Explosions
- Chemical Products Liability
- Dalkon Shield Litigation
- DePuy Hip Replacement
- Diet Drug Litigation
- Drug and Medical Device Litigation
- Drug Contamination
- Elevator Liability
- Escalator Liability
- Explosions
- Firearms Litigation
- Flammable Fabrics
- Food Borne Disease
- Food Products Liability
- Gas Explosions
- Heart Device Litigation
- Manufacturers Liability
- Mesothelioma
- Product Defects
- Product Failure
- Product Recall
- Product Warning Labels
- Pelvic Mesh
- Seat Belt Injury
- Tire Defect Litigation
- Vaccine Injury
- Zimmer Knee Recall
- Family Law
- Alimony
- Annulment
- Child Custody
- Child Support
- Divorce
- Domestic Relations
- Domestic Violence
- Equitable Distribution
- Grandparents Visitation Rights
- Marital Agreements
- Marital Property Distribution
- Marital Property Law
- Marital Property Settlements
- Matrimonial Law
- Military Divorce
- Name Changes
- Palimony
- Paternity
- Postnuptial Agreements
- Post Divorce Modification
- Premarital Agreements
- Spousal Support
- Uncontested Divorce
- Visitation Rights
- Wills
- Contested Wills
- Inheritance
- Living Wills
- Probate
- Trusts and Estates
- Advance Directives
- Asset Protection
- Business Succession Planning
- Charitable Trusts and Foundations
- Contested Trusts and Estates
- Estate Administration
- Estate Litigation
- Estate Planning
- Estate Tax Planning
- Family Trusts
- Family Limited Partnerships
- Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts (ILTs)
- Land Trusts
- Living Trusts
- Powers of Attorney
- Real Property
- Special Needs Trusts
- Trust Administration
- Trust Law
- Trust Litigation
- Trust Planning
- Wealth Planning
- Real Estate
- Commercial Leasing
- Condominium Association Law
- Easements
- Eminent Domain
- Foreclosures
- Landlord and Tenant Law
- Commercial Landlord and Tenant Law
- Leases and Leasing
- Mortgage Law
- Loans
- Mortgage Refinancing
- Real Estate Title
- Zoning, Planning and Land Use
- Professional Liability
- Commercial Litigation
- Business Litigation
- Property Damage
- General Litigation
- Civil Trial
- Federal Trial
- Appellate Practice
Additional Info
North Carolina Lawyers are dedicated to protecting your rights since 1968. Call today to schedule for a free initial consultation (919) 833-5555.
Established North Carolina Trial Law Firm
DeMent Askew, LLP was founded in 1968 by Russell W. DeMent, Jr. and quickly established a reputation for unwavering trial advocacy. Our Raleigh law firm now boasts five attorneys and an exceptionally experienced and professional staff. We stand ready to protect our clients' rights in civil and criminal litigation in North Carolina's state and federal courts.
DeMent Askew, LLP serves clients in the areas of General Civil Litigation, Real Estate, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury and Family Law. Conveniently located in Raleigh, the attorneys at DeMent Askew, LLP have established a reputation for success in the courtroom. For more than 40 years, we have been committed to providing clients with the best possible representation we can offer. Our skilled trial lawyers have stood ready to protect our client's rights in all of North Carolina's civil and criminal courts, both state and federal. As a client of DeMent Askew, LLP you get straight talk, straight answers and a thorough explanation of your options. We don't make promises we can't keep and we won't back down when your rights are at stake.
Whatever your legal problem; Criminal Defense, Drug Offense, DWI/DWI, Personal Injury, Automobile Accident, Family Law or Divorce, we can help you understand your rights and make the best possible decisions for yourself and your family.
In most cases, there is no charge for an initial consultation. Our offices are conveniently located on the top floor of the Capital Bank Building in Raleigh, NC across Fayetteville Street from the Wake County Courthouse. Call us today to schedule an appointment (919) 833-5555.