- Dalton & Tomich Plc
- 719 Griswold St Ste 270
- Detroit, MI 48226
- (877) 630-3547
- (313) 859-8888
- http://www.dtplawfirm.com
Area Practice
- Religious Land Use
- Land Use and Zoning
- Religious Entities and Nonprofits
- Corporate Planning
- Business Formation
- Commercial Litigation
- Employment
- Banking and Financial Services
- Banks and Banking
- Bank Collections
- Bank Foreclosures
- Loan Workouts
- Zoning, Planning and Land Use
- Religious
- Zoning Appeals
- Zoning Claims
- Constitutional Zoning
- Corporate Law
- Nonprofit Corporations
- Corporate Organization
- Corporate Dissolutions
- Corporate Adviser and Counsel
- Corporate Nonprofit
- Buy/Sell Business
- Leases
- Corporate Church
- Litigation
- Class Action Litigation
- Insurance Defense Litigation
- Contract Dispute Litigation
- Employment Handbook
- Employment Counsel
- Employment Policy/Procedures
- Employment Hire/Fire
- Employment Agreements
- Religious Institutions
Additional Info
A firm dedicated to representing religious organizations, financial institutions and businesses throughout the United States.
Dalton & Tomich plc understands that our clients are looking for a client-based law firm that has the knowledge to understand their legal problem and the experience to handle a complex matter to its completion and achieve the desired result. Our clients also depend on us to have a thorough understanding of their needs that can only be ascertained by maintaining the personalized relationship that we develop with all of our clients.
Throughout our combined 30 years of experience, we have become a state, regional, and national leader in banking, religious land use, employment and commercial law. We have the knowledge and experience to guide our clients through any legal problem they encounter, and we do so with a focus on both their short-term and long-term goals. We are confident you will find that our firm has the perfect combination of legal knowledge and experience to go along with a client-based approach to help you and your organization achieve the results you desire. We look forward to serving you.