- Colorado Law Team
- 2851 S Parker Rd Ste 150
- Aurora, CO 80014
Area Practice
- Criminal Defense
- DUI/Traffic Violations
- Assaults
- Drug Charges
- Theft Charges
- Domestic Violence Defense
- Education Law
- Special Education Law and 504 Plans
- School Discipline
- Family Law
- Divorce
- Child Custody
- Child Support
- Property Division
- Modifications/Enforcements
- Marital Agreements
- Physical Custody
- Spousal Maintenance
- Employment Law
- Contracts in Employment Law
- Disclaimers in Employment Manual
- Limits on Employment At-Will
- Defamation in Employment Law
- Money Damages in Employment Law
- Payments of Wages
- Non-Compete Agreements
- Independent Contractors
- Estate Planning / Probate
- HIPAA Regulations and Estate Planning
- Financial Powers of Attorney
- Medical Powers of Attorney
- Immigration Law
- Immigration Law - B-1 and B-2 Visitors
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
- Asylum
- Business Law
- Limited and Limited Liability Partnerships
- General Partnerships
- Bankruptcy
- Labor and Employment
- Charter School Law
- Public School Law
- School Law
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
Additional Info
The Colorado Law Team believes that everyone deserves the fullest protection of their rights & best interests. Our goal for more than 13 years has been to provide the exceptional representation, personal service & dedication to our clients.
We know how stressful it can be to face a difficult legal situation. So much of your future can ride on how the matter you are facing is resolved. We work to provide the personal attention that our clients need. We know that no resolution will work if it is not tailored to our clients' circumstances. So, we get to know our clients so that we can understand the context in which their current issue is occurring. By knowing our clients that well we are able to build resolutions that help people move forward with their lives.
We focus our practice on those areas of the law where we can make most difference in people's lives, including:
Criminal defense
Education law
Family law
Employment law
Estate planning/probate
Immigration law
Business law
Our attorneys bring a diversity of experience and skill that allows us as a firm to meet our clients' needs and help them achieve their goals.
Contact The Arapahoe County Attorneys Of Kishinevsky & Raykin, Attorneys At Law
If you are facing a challenging legal situation, our experienced lawyers can help. The Aurora lawyers of Kishinevsky & Raykin, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, are committed to helping you effectively navigate the obstacles confronting you. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 720-863-4256 or contact us online.
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