- Catherine R. MacK
- 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 800 W,
- Bethesda, MD 20814
- (888) 331-2340
- (301) 961-6599
- http://www.cathymacklaw.com
Area Practice
- Estate Planning
- Tax
- Business Succession Planning
- Trust Creation
- Implementation
- Life Insurance Trusts
- Trust and Estate Administration
- Retirement Planning
- Estate and Gift Taxation
- Elder Law
- Wills
- Probate
- Contested Wills.
- Probate Administration
- Probate Disputes
- Probate Litigation
- Contested Wills
- Trust Disputes
- Trust Litigation
- Trusts and Estate Administration
- Estate Taxation
- Gift Taxation
- Trusts
Additional Info
Inspiring trust and confidence in estate planning, probate, trust creation and administration and business succession planning. Over 30 years of diversified legal experience.
Cathy Mack is a highly experienced and multi-talented estate planning attorney and litigator who concentrates her Maryland and District of Columbia practice in the areas of estate planning, trust planning and implementation, probate administration and litigation, and trust administration and litigation. As a former Chief Legal Officer of a real estate investment trust in Maryland and former criminal prosecutor in the District of Columbia, Cathy brings her broad and diverse legal background and her extensive experience and creative energies to craft complex estate planning documents and to represent parties in probate/trust administration and litigation. Cathy's hands-on experiential background and her wisdom and creativity set her apart from other practitioners in these fields of law, many of whom picked an area of practice and never left. Cathy is interested in helping all her clients at the highest level possible so whether you are a wealthy Maryland or D.C. business person, a young couple just starting out, an “older†person looking for sound advice, or a Personal Representative, Trustee or beneficiary looking for assistance in a probate or trust dispute or litigation situation, Cathy is available to assist you.