- Carlson Boyd Pllc
- 230 S 2nd St Ste 202
- Union Gap, WA 98901
- (509) 594-4932
- (509) 834-6610
- http://www.cbblawfirm.com
Area Practice
- Bankruptcy
- Chapter 11 and 12
- Agricultural Law
- Real Estate
- Secured Transactions
- Commercial Litigation
- Landlord-Tenant Law
- Trial Practice
- Patent Litigation.
- Agribusiness
- Food Distribution
- Food and Agriculture
- Food Processing
- Livestock Law
- Workouts
- Loan Workouts
- Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA)
- Private Equity
- Energy Facility Siting
- Zoning, Planning and Land Use
- Zoning Law
- Environmental Law
- Estate Planning
- Tax Planning
- Financial Planning
- Business Organization
- Business Reorganization
- Commercial Credit
- Patents
- Trademarks
- Biotechnology
- Biotechnology Licensing
- Litigation
- Bankruptcy Chapter 11
- Bankruptcy Chapter 12
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Bankruptcy Litigation
- Debtor and Creditor
- Complex Commercial Litigation
- Commercial Transactions
- Consumer Protection
- Contracts
- Shareholder Disputes
- Directors and Officers Liability
- Landlord and Tenant Law
- Commercial Landlord and Tenant Law
- Leases and Leasing
- Business Formation
- Business Successions
- Business Succession Planning
- Business Dissolutions
- Incorporation
- Limited Liability Company Law
- Limited Liability Partnerships
- Limited Partnerships
- Partnership Law
- Shareholder Rights
- Business Planning
- Business Valuation
- Small Business Law
- Condemnation
- Construction Law
- Wetlands Regulation
- Service Marks
- Copyrights
- Design Patents
- Copyright Registration
- Copyright Protection
- Intellectual Property Licensing
- Intellectual Property
- Trade Secrets
- Noncompetition and Non-Solicitation Agreements
- Unfair Competition
- Right of Privacy
- Privacy and Publicity
- Patent Litigation
- Defamation
- False Advertising
- Arbitration
- Mediation
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Real Estate Contracts
- Warranty Law
- Foreclosures
Additional Info
Lawyers Who Really Do Care About Their Clients
Flexibility, Efficiency and Personal Service
Law is a constantly evolving field. The never-ending stream of decisions, changes in substantive law and changes in procedure mean that success is literally a moving target. When representing clients, the ability to embrace change and adapt accordingly is paramount, and the ability to do this is maximized in smaller, more efficient law firms. Smaller firms such as Carlson Boyd typically have fewer lawyers in control of the business of the firm-fewer cooks in the kitchen so to speak. Instead of a bureaucratic management committee or endless layers of supervising attorneys, our lawyers effectively operate as their own bosses and need no permission to vary their practice to meet the demands of our clients. Small firms such as ours are much quicker to make decisions and implement changes; a necessity in today's business climate.
Carlson Boyd also has an edge over larger firms in terms of adopting and utilizing technology. With the advent of the laptop age, technology has irrevocably decentralized the control of information and made it easier to stay on top of changes in Washington law. While large firms may have an advantage in terms of economies of scale and buying equipment at reasonable prices, smaller firms have a huge advantage in being able to actually utilize the latest technology. Invariably, it is cheaper, faster and more effective for the trial lawyer to be in control of the technology. This can be accomplished only by having the trial lawyer call the shots on the technology - not some centralized purchasing department.
The lawyers at Carlson Boyd recognize and value the personal relationships that are at the heart of the legal profession. We understand that it is imperative that attorneys foster and promote the personal relationships that yield timely, consistent responses and results. Instead of dealing with lengthy delays and unnecessary hierarchies, our attorneys are empowered to personally handle the legal needs of our clients in a timely, cost-effective manner.